Ayurveda is an intricate and rich body of traditional wisdom and knowledge over 5000 years old deriving from India.
It is not only a nature based healing modality but also a way of life. It sees each individual as a multidimensional unique embodiment of the five elements and their expressed qualities. Thus, it helps us to understand ourselves and how our interactions with our environment through the five senses will effect us. These interactions either help us to maintain homeostasis or cause imbalance and dis-ease.
The five elements of ether, air, fire, water, and earth are inherent in all of nature including human beings. Each element brings with it its own expression of qualities. These qualities are called Gunas in Ayurveda. These are described in paired opposites:
Cold/hot, rough/smooth, dry/oily, light/heavy, mobile/static, subtle/gross, dense/flowing, dull/sharp, soft/hard, and cloudy/clear.
In Ayurveda it is important to understand these qualities as like increases like, and opposites reduce each other.
In Ayurveda, the elements are grouped to create the three humors or doshas:
Ether + Air = Vata-> Movement
Fire + Water = Pitta-> Transormation, Digestion/Absorption/Assimilation
Water + Earth = Kapha-> Structure and Stability
As we are each a special and unique combination of all of the elements, all 3 doshas manifest in various ways within us. We may have one, two, or all three (tri-dosha) that express prominently.
The combination of elements at conception is considered our Prakriti, this is each individuals perfect balance; it is different for everyone. Once we are exposed to the environment and take in stimuli through our 5 senses we can then vitiate from that perfect balance, this state becomes our Vikriti.
The therapies I offer: Abhyanga massage, Shirodhara, and Svedna are a small part of a vast collection of cleansing and rejuvenation therapies that Ayurveda has to offer. That being said, they will begin to bring you closer to your balanced state.
Banyan Botanicals instruction video on how to do your own Abhyanga Self-Massage.
New office location is inside Live Well Training Center located at:
17431 N 71st Dr
Unit 104
Glendale, AZ 85308